The Greatest Bad Song 其實是BBC  Radio 1 特製的一首歌.Radio 1的Jo Whiley最近每天都會放這首歌.一開始我以為是誰上節目唱的(因為是用Acoustic錄製的).今天上了Jo的BLOG.原來她來真的!! 前陣子叫聽眾提供一些他們覺得很糟的歌詞.感謝聽眾熱烈參與.這首歌終於大功告成.而且連MV都做好了!(妙) Jo在blog PO上去後,.受到熱烈迴響.但大家都不知到底是誰唱的(也不是JO唱的).

Radio 1的工作人員真用心.要花時間整理這些歌詞還要找人配唱再製作MV.不過效果卻很棒! 看了MV和歌詞真想笑 ~~~ .不過對於bad的定義.到底是"怪"還是"蠢"呢? 有些歌詞很好笑.有些歌詞就真的搞不清楚到底在寫什麼?但是這個創意真的是太妙了!不聽可惜I

完整歌詞 : 

I've never had a girl make me feel this way,even though I had to pay.
(LL Cool J - Baby) 
Everyday you're in my head, I want to have you in my bed.
(Basshunter - All I ever wanted)  
所以歌名才會叫All I Ever Wanted台客DJ寫爛歌

I Look at this photograph, everytime I do it makes me laugh. (Nickelback - Photograph)

Cos your body ain't Pamela Anderson, and it's a struggle to get you in the caravan.
(Timbaland - The Way I Are) 該說是煲還是貶呢??

You can't go out if anyone calls you, you can't have a bath when there's no hot water. (The Enemy - We'll Live And Die In These Towns)
Carrots help us see much better in the dark, don't talk to girls cos they'll break your heart. (The Wombats - Kill The Director)
基本上這2句都很怪.前後不通 !!

I Love you like a fat kid loves cake. (50 Cent - 21 Questions)
I miss you like a child misses it's blanket .(Fergie - Big girls don't cry)
這2句是我的最愛 !
I Love you like a fat kid loves cake. (50 Cent - 21 Questions)
What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her, what's she gonna look like with a chimney on her. (Tamperer - Feel It)

The Greates Bad Song Pruduced by BBC Radio 1


I use mouthwash, sometimes I floss. (Kate Nash - Mouthwash)
這句很無厘頭.但我覺得配 Kate Nash剛好啊 ~~ (檸檬是"苦"的她都寫了.這算什麼.哈)
I messed my pants as I flew over France. (Busted - Air Hostess)
到底什麼跟什麼 ?
What came first, the chicken nugget or the egg mcmuffin. (Little Jackie - The World Should Revolve Around Me)

Something kinda ooh, jumping on my tutu. (Girls Aloud - Something Kinda Ooh)
因為ooh... 下一句很難押韻.

Lucky that my breasts are small and humble so you don't confuse them with mountains.(Shakira - Whenever, Wherever)

My humps, my humps, my lovely lady lumps. (Black Eyed Peas - My Humps)
這句絕對榜上有名.會入選是對的.(不管是誰唱這句我都會想笑 ~~)

I Love you like a fat kid loves cake. (50 Cent - 21 Questions)
I miss you like a child misses it's blanket. (Fergie - Big girls don't cry)
I Love you like a fat kid loves cake. (50 Cent - 21 Questions)
What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her, what's she gonna look like with a chimney on he.r (Tamperer - Feel It)

----THE END ----

這首歌目前沒有正式發行.(或許以後會.因為很多人都希望可以收錄在下張Live Lounge合輯裡).不過BBC Radio 1網頁裡開放下載(Free Download)記得按右鍵另存新檔 .. 既然都公開在電台中播了.不知那些歌手聽了有什麼感想..哈

PS.這個創意和前陣子Spinner 的" The 20 worst lyrics Ever有異曲同工之妙.



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